, pub-3242621414822145, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 How Big Is Paxos? – Paxos Travel Guide

How Big Is Paxos?

Paxos is a small Greek Island. That is one of the attractions.

But how big is Paxos? According to my measurements, Paxos is 6.24 miles long x 2.23 miles wide. This is 10.5 kilometres long by 3.58 kilometres wide. I took my own measurements from Google Maps so you don’t have to!

This how long Paxos is
And this is how wide Paxos is

Question answered, I hope that you enjoy the rest of my website all about the wonderful Greek Island of Paxos.

Want to know more about Paxos?

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I hope that you have found this post helpful, informative and even a little bit entertaining! To find out more about my favourite, wonderful Greek island all you need to do is click here and I will take you straight back to the start of my Paxos blog. Nice and easy!

Oh yes, I hope that you enjoy the next post.

Rick McEvoy


I am a photographer, website creator and writer based in the UK. I spend as much time as possible expoloring the Greek Islands. This website is entirely my own work, and all opinions are my own. The content of this website is created from personal experiences as a paying customer visiting this wonderful Greek Island in my own time and at my own expense.

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